How to Get Rid of Worms in Cats?

How to Get Rid of Worms in Cats?

It’s one of the most asked questions among cat owners: how to get rid of worms in cats? It’s not uncommon for felines to have parasitic worms. Vaccines are usually used to help prevent feline roundworms, ringworms, and hookworms. Most medications are designed to treat existing worms rather than prevent them.

If you’re a cat owner, then you know that occasional worms are just part of the package. But what do you do when your cat has an infestation? Here’s a guide on how to get rid of worms in cats, including over-the-counter and prescription medications. Keep your kitty healthy and worm-free!

How Do Cats Get Worms?

Parasites are commonly spread through contact with feces, so kitty cats can get worms if they eat infected prey, or if they come in contact with contaminated soil or water.

There are a few types of worms that can infect cats, but the most common type is the roundworm. These slimy critters can grow up to 12 inches long and live in the cat’s small intestine, where they rob their host of vital nutrients. Symptoms of a worm infestation can include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and even death.

So be sure to keep your kitty‘s environment clean and free from parasites by regularly scooping her litter box, and always washing your hands thoroughly after handling her food or her feces.

Can Cats Get Worms From Dogs?

Yes, cats can get worms from dogs. In fact, there are a few different types of worms that cats can get from dogs.

The most common type of worm that cats can get from dogs is called Toxocara cati. This type of worm is a roundworm, and it is the most common type of worm to infect both cats and dogs. Toxocara cati can cause serious health problems in both cats and dogs, so it is important to get your pet checked for worms regularly and to treat any infection promptly.

There are also a few other types of worms that cats can get from dogs, including hookworms, heartworms, and tapeworms.

Symptoms of Worms in Cats

There are four main types of worms that can infect cats: roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms. Each type of worm has its own set of symptoms, but there are some general signs that your cat may have worms.

If your cat is vomiting up worms or you see them in their stool, this is a sure sign that they have a worm infestation. Other common symptoms include weight loss and a voracious appetite (known as “the hunger of the wolf”). You may also notice your cat licking or pulling at their skin more than usual. This can be a sign that they’re trying to relieve itchiness caused by the presence of worms.


How can I treat my cat for worms at home?

The best way to prevent worms in cats is to get them regularly dewormed by your vet. Only you and your vet can determine the right schedule for your cat’s deworming, but it’s a good idea to have her checked every 6-12 months. It’s also important to keep your cat indoors so she won’t come into contact with other infected animals, and treat her for worms as soon as you suspect a problem.

Can I deworm my cat myself?